Tu Son Steel Co., Ltd

Tax code: 3700565392

Address: No. 03/DX4-TH, Group 7, Tan Hoa Hamlet, Tan Vinh Hiep Commune, Tan Uyen Town, Binh Duong Province

Investor: Tu Son Steel Co., Ltd

Main contractor, implementing unit / Contract: Le Duyen Anh Mechanical-Trading Co., Ltd

Year of completion / Complete: 2017

Item implemented :

– Dual channel rack, cold floor / coding bed.

– Roller table (conveyor roller, roll carrier) / roller table

– Cold floor steel flow chute.

– Self-guided device.

– Support for rolling racks, clamping rollers, knives.

– Conveyor roller assembly.

– The table for collecting embryos is scarce.

– Rolling rack base frame / baseplate.

– Steel tempered water box / quautum box

– Motor stand / motor stand

– Frame cutter / Snap shear.

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